Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Irrational hatreds.

Friend of mine hates polar bears. No reasons given for it, except he just does.

He comes from Musselburgh where polar bears don't exactly roam the streets.



Monday, July 02, 2007


Was sitting on the bus on Saturday heading up to the cinema. I've got the headphones on, but become aware of some screaming at the back of the bus. Remembering that we've just left Leith, i think nothing of it, but the screaming continues and I turn the volume down.

It soon becomes apparent that the crying is coming from a young girl, and that her mum is screaming at a man to "leave her alone" and "get off the bus". The woman seems pretty distraught as well, and eventually turns her back to the man beside her.

Nothing more is said.

The problem is, and I include myself in this, that no-one bothered to ask if there was a problem. There was a little girl bawling her eyes out for Christ sakes, and yet everyone assumed that position favoured in bingo halls the land over, i.e. eyes down.

I realise these are troubled times we live in, but are we really that passive now? I could argue reasons why i didn't do anything, but they seem pointless in retrospect.

I got of the bus a minute later, switched the music back up, and walked on...


Alright, that's it. I realise I'm going to sound like a friend of mine here, but wtf is up with the weather?

It's pissed it down all weekend, and shows no sign of abating. It's muggy as well. What a choice. Open a window and get soaked, or keep it shut and sweat like Paris Hilton getting a breathalyser test.

I'm gagging to get out on the bike, but i don't really fancy pedalling through a foot of water at the base of the hills.

Minging. That's the only word for it.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Things i've learned from the weekend.

1.) Man-bags are the future.

2.) Shrek 3 is shite.

3.) No really, it is.

4.) The Simpsons movie looks like it will be the bomb.

5.) Watching the tide coming into Newhaven harbour is quite a nice way to spend some of Sunday morning.

That is all.