Monday, July 02, 2007


Was sitting on the bus on Saturday heading up to the cinema. I've got the headphones on, but become aware of some screaming at the back of the bus. Remembering that we've just left Leith, i think nothing of it, but the screaming continues and I turn the volume down.

It soon becomes apparent that the crying is coming from a young girl, and that her mum is screaming at a man to "leave her alone" and "get off the bus". The woman seems pretty distraught as well, and eventually turns her back to the man beside her.

Nothing more is said.

The problem is, and I include myself in this, that no-one bothered to ask if there was a problem. There was a little girl bawling her eyes out for Christ sakes, and yet everyone assumed that position favoured in bingo halls the land over, i.e. eyes down.

I realise these are troubled times we live in, but are we really that passive now? I could argue reasons why i didn't do anything, but they seem pointless in retrospect.

I got of the bus a minute later, switched the music back up, and walked on...


At 9:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know two people that would get involved. One is my brother Billy, who is a complete bastard and loves to shame the harraser, and would not back down to any intimidation, in fact it only spurs him on. I was priviy to him scaring the right shit out of a Dairy queen assistant manager who had just yelled at a "menatlly challenged" worker. (The town near us hires alot of challenged people)
Everyone stood around and said "oh what a shame, he is yelling at THAT GIRL" but no-one did anything. Ta dahhh Billy to the rescue, of course emabarressing the offeder was almost as sweet as championing the victim. But my brother would relish any chance to jump in.

(My brother dropped his pants in parking lot to stop a domestic dispute once. "what... I'm not getting hit" he said...but they stopped fighting to help the drunk guy with his pants down. He has his methods.

The other champion is my friend Ted. He has taken a punch or two from saying" Excuse me, but do you know this lady you are touching ? " Ted is a good guy who will step up no matter what. Often you hear.. don't get involved, but that doesn't apply to Ted.
There is a certain level of danger when you approach a situation, and we Canadain's are no exception to the "keep walking" rule. Don't get me wrong, but there are still some people out there that just don't stand for any shit, whatever their motives are.
Looking back and saying I wished I had done something vs. doing something and getting your ass kicked for just being there to help is a tough call. It's gotta be inside you,

which brings us to LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD which we saw last night, which was all about being a hero because there weren't any other volunteers. Does stepping up make you a hero even if you didn't want to?

No. There is no Superman principle here, just basic human nature. Run or don't run. It's not even about fight or don't fight. These boys are not in it for a fight...

(Ok Maybe Billy's friend Wes who's first words at a apetry are who do I gotta kill ? ) Is a black eye Sexy at age 39 ?? hmmmmmm

You are who you are, but if you regret who you are, then it's time to re-think your actions.



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