Monday, January 14, 2008


So this is it.

No review of last year, no list of things for this year. Not even an album of year list (though if you're asking;

1.) Peter, Bjorn, & John - Writer's Block
2.) LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
3.) Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

Dammit! Broke that rule).

Anyways. The blog. I'm having a bit of writers block at the moment, hence the lack of postings. In all honesty, i'm not sure what i want to do with the page anymore. When i started out it was to give an inkling of what goes on in the mind of a 20-something from Midlothian, but it's gone a bit off-track of late.

So i think it's back to the drawing board, me thinks. Stay tuned!


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