Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Things i've noticed today.

1.) DIY always ends in tears. Or at the very least, a bump on the head.
2.) Firefox seems enjoy displaying a blank page when you click on a link
3.) This man is a fanny. Or at least he wishes he had one.
4.) My iTunes decided to lose all my playlists and music. Bugger.
5.) The new version of iTunes is actually quite cool.

That is all.

Monday, November 27, 2006


I had a debate with someone who shall remain nameless (we'll call him Paul. He runs a blog.) during the France v New Zealand match the other week. We were debating about who we should be supporting. Should it be France seeing as how we're both part of Europe (Paul's argument), or New Zealand, who share many cultural ties with Scotland. I can't really recall the outcome of the argument, although I'm sure I won. However, i'm willing to eat my words after the debacle over the haka at the Millenium Stadium on Saturday.

Let's cut to the chase. The All Blacks need taking down a peg or too. They need a humping. Hopefully with a humping will come humility, because they are severly lacking in it at the moment.

In case you missed it, New Zealand performed the haka behind closed doors on Saturday because of an argument with the Welsh Rugby Union. The Welsh wanted to sing their national anthem after the haka as a direct response. The All Blacks said no. Not respectful of the traditions surrounding it apparently.

So ignoring the fact that the Welsh informed them of their intentions 6 weeks ago, ignoring the fact the WRU consulted two experts in Maori affairs regarding the traditions of the challenge (they said it was meant to provoke a response), ignoring the fact that during the first ever Wales v NZ match the crowd responded by singing "Land of My Fathers", ignoring the fact that during the centenary match Wales were allowed to respond by singing, it seems that after many years of winning things (with the exception of the World Cup), New Zealand have become full of shit.

Despite the fact that Wales aren't really that good at the moment, their rugby history is perhaps the strongest out of all the Northern hemisphere teams, so surely it reeks of hypocrisy to suggest that singing after the haka is demeaning to tradition on the one hand, whilst on the other saying no to a team with a history like Wales singing their national anthem isn't?

It suggests that NZ don't care anymore, that they're better than anyone else. All Black arrogance has been shown before, the spear tackling then non-apologizing towards Brian O'Driscoll by Tana Umugly. They've pretty much cheated their way to victory during some of the matches they've played in the tests this year. At least Australia can turn round and say, "Fair dinkum".

For once, I'm hoping that the All Blacks will get their just desserts in the World Cup.

Hopefully by Wales.