Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Riot City Blues

Rock Stars, eh? What a bunch. If they're not throwing televisions out of hotel windows, they're utilizing red snappers in, er, interesting places.

By far the most interesting type of rocker is of the middle-aged variety. I'm talking Roger Daltry buying trout farms, or Liam Gallagher (he's effectively knocking 40, you know) declaring a love of Spongebob Squarepants. However, I think it's time to elevate Bobby Gillespie of seminal band Primal Scream this heady status.

Remember, the Scream Team once refused play Top of the Pops because landing at Luton Airport (they were due to land there after flying back from Dublin to play the show) wasn't "Rock n' Roll enough". Imagine then, the surprise in finding out that Bobby can now be found writing letters to his local council to protest about his local having its opening hours extended.

Apparently the pub was "disturbing the peace of our beautiful street and attracting noisy, drunk people to our area...." (He's from Glasgow, surely he's used to it) and "the sound was of a very high frequency which reverberated into my bedroom and my children's bedroom. I found the repetitiveness disturbing and I was unable to sleep because of it".

Bless him. As one wag suggests on the NME forum, it "makes a change from 4 grams of crystal meth keeping him awake".


At 7:19 am, Blogger TC said...

In honour of Primal Scream ripping off the Rolling Stones on recent album:
"I know it's only rock n roll, but I don't like it"


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