Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Feeling slightly melancholy today for some reason. The tunes on the iPod range from repeated playings of "The Holy Bible" by the Manic Street Preachers (as much as a I love them, it's a good indicator rain clouds are overhead), to some of Oasis' more reflective tunes ala Slide Away. Despite the post last week, work has actually been ok, and i'm being kept busy. However it's the quiet moments that annoy me at the moment, gives me time to think, and even more annoyingly, reflect. On big stuff. On small stuff.

It's a character flaw of the reticent, the inward thinkers. I suppose that's the good thing about this blog is that it can be cathartic at times. Of course, being a big jessie, i can't bring myself to say the things i really want to say. Story of my life!

Anyway, this cheered me up.


At 3:31 pm, Blogger Scott said...

Hey Gill, happy new year to you!


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