Sunday, October 15, 2006


A heart warming tale from the Badlands of Afghanistan. It seems that to evade getting blown to kingdom come, Taliban forces are hiding themselves in vast marijuana plantations. Ah, but surely hiding amongst crops isn't the wisest of ideas, i hear you cry. Surely they could just be, ahem, smoked out??


It seems that crops of Mary Jane contain a lot of water, so despite the best efforts of the Canadian forces dropping diesel and phospherous powder on the forest of weed, it hadn't yet caught a' fire. Indeed those parts of the crop that had done, the resulting fumes had made "A section of soldiers that was downwind from that had some ill effects and decided that was probably not the right course of action," according to one Canadian general, possibly caught running down to the local 24 hour garage for Rizlas and Jaffa Cakes.

No shit.

Perhaps the Dutch Army should be sent in......


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