Thursday, May 05, 2005


so polling day is upon us at last. it seemed like such a quick campaign as well. i’m not sure if that’s because nothing really happened, or the fact that the American campaign which seemed to go on for decades makes ours look like it takes about, err, 17 minutes?

i love my politics, really i do. i can see why most people don’t enjoy the machinations of a parliamentary democracy in full swing, but to me it’s like watching a bear fighting a shark (I realise this is a stupid analogy, but i love the imagery). exciting stuff.

i’m proud (and a bit ashamed) to admit that when i turned 18 i was more excited about casting my first vote than i was about having my first pint (because I did wait to do that when i turned 18 of course ;-)). it was 1997, and it felt good to be taking part in the legal overthrow of the tory government at the time. that night i stayed up to watch the results coming through, it was genuinely exciting. especially when portillo and david mellor lost their seats.

now?? I’m a bit more cynical about it all, but i’ll still go down the polling station and make my mark. i can’t see myself staying up this time mind you, but now doubt i’ll be pouring over the results in the papers as usual. i may even do this over a pint. happy days....


At 8:20 pm, Blogger John said...

Hey Scott. So Blair is the shark? Do you vote directly for the PM spot, or for a representative?

At 8:09 am, Blogger Scott said...

Hey John,

well he's got teeth like a shark, so I guess that analogi fits. We vote for a representative, or MP, in which ever constituency we reside. Westminister still operates a system where the party with the most votes wins. It's pretty outdated, and a little unfair. You had a situation when Thatcher was in power where Scotland and Wales were predominately Labour, but the party in power was Conservative. It's not very representative as you can see!


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