Tuesday, February 22, 2005

christ on a bike!

picture the scene. just before you go to your kip, you decide to check yer blog. you sleepily type the address into your browser, not realising that you've got two of the letters switched around...

you hit go, and up jumps a christian search engine with such categories as - Armageddon (the church reviews Bruce Willis' last decent movie?), Spiritual Warfare (Is that like a wmd? should the vatican be invaded by a "coalition of the willing" in order to force a regime-change?), and my personal favourite, Forecast of Jesus ("It'll be cold in the north, with sporadic outbreaks of locust plagues and the wrath of God...").

all ye brave souls who wish to view this webpage click here, i'm off to repent before it's too late...


At 5:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would prefer to play Tick Tack Toe!


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